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Comercio de Minerales

About Us

About us?

GOLDEN QUEEN BUSINESS S.A.S. has been established in response to the new developments, growth, expansion and demands of the market for metallic and non-metallic minerals, hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Our company is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions in the areas of marketing, distribution, import and export of raw materials, products and by-products. We are committed to contributing to the sustained growth of the company and satisfying the demands of the market both nationally and internationally.

Our mission

Commitment to excellence and sustainability

At GOLDEN QUEEN BUSINESS S.A.S., our main commitment is to satisfy the needs of our clients through excellence and professional experience. We strive to offer products and services that meet international quality standards, which allows us to be a modern company in constant growth. In addition, we seek to develop in harmony with the environment and design economic proposals that promote social inclusion, thus promoting the professional skills of our human talent.

Comercio de Minerales
Comerci de minerales

Our vision

Working together towards a prosperous future in the mineral trade

Our vision is to become a leading, solid and reliable company with an outstanding international presence. We distinguish ourselves by offering quality products and services, and our management is characterized by anticipating and adapting to the changes and needs of our clients. To achieve this, we focus on the continuous improvement of our products and services, making sure that we are always adapted to the needs of our customers.

Our values

At GOLDEN QUEEN BUSINESS S.A.S., we are governed by the following fundamental values:


Quality minerals, honest service and great value!

We have partners around the world, with business opportunities in South America, Central America, Europe, Asia, Africa, India, among others.


A company with global negotiations

GOLDEN QUEEN BUSINESS works to ensure the satisfaction of its customers, through the systematic selection of suppliers and respect for society.

Supply guarantee
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Quality assurance
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Guarantee of Origin and security
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Negocios Internacioneles
Golden Queen Business

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